Sunday, June 10, 2012

From the mouths of babes

I work at a preschool, and we're always laughing at funny things kids say, so I thought I'd share some with you!

"Today is my Grandma's birthday. She's 16."

"Imblinapolis" (an attempt to say Indianapolis)

When Davey Jones died I remarked, "I loved the monkees!" To which a preschooler replied, "I like lions."

"I can't do any more work, it makes my belly hurt."

When we asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up, the most popular response was "dog catcher," but we also have a girl who wants to be a "fairy." :p

My mother popped her head in the class to say hello, and of course I said, "Hi Mom." One of the girls asked me why I called her mom and I told her that was my mommy. We went on to a different topic, but you could see she was pondering my response. A few minutes later she asked me, "How can you have a Mommy when you're big?" I replied, "I used to be little like you." She thought that was the most amazing thing...that a grown-up was ever a child. They make me feel so young! :)

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