Tuesday, June 5, 2012

May the odds be ever in your favor...

I've been thinking about the Hunger Games lately as I am a huge fan, but I must say it goes deeper than that. See, every once in awhile a movie or book (or both) comes that really grabs me. I'm talking about obsessive thinking grabs me. That rarely happens to me, but I always come to realize that the movies or books that really cause me to obsess are the ones that I identify with on a deep level. This probably happens to everybody, but I had a hard time sleeping last night because I was pondering the significance of the Hunger Games trilogy in my life. I've come to realize that I often feel like Katniss, struggling to survive in a cruel world where horrible circumstances have happened to me that were out of my control, and I'm just trying to do my best to survive. Now if you know me, you may think, "How has anything awful happened to her?" On the outside, yes, my life seems pretty swell (haha, love that word), but there are things that have happened that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I won't go into details, but let's just say that they screwed me up pretty good, and I'm still recovering from the aftermath. I often feel like I'm in an arena where nature and people are working against me. I'm thankful for my real-life "Peetas" in my life, but I often feel so alone in this fight. Granted, things are way better than they were a couple years ago, but I often feel like Katniss sitting in a tree near dead inside, just waiting on that parachute to help me make it another day. I often pray to God for direction, but I always feel like He's telling me "hold that thought." I'm beginning to trust Him more in His perfect timing, but I still struggle. On the bad days I often feel like Katniss, staring up at the sky and saying, "What more do I have to do to get a parachute?!" However, you may recall from the movie or books that Haymitch always sent her that life-saving parachute at precisely the right moment as if saying, "Trust me, I know what I'm doing." It brings me such hope to know that God knows even more than Haymitch when to send that parachute. I say all this not just to comfort anyone reading this, but also to remind myself that God is in control, and He'll give me what I need or point me to it at the right moment. Until then, we just need to hang on and continue to survive...just like Katniss. :)


  1. Hey chica, I totally know how you feel. Right now I feel like I've been waiting for several parachutes hahah, and maybe one small one has dropped. It won't solve everything, but it helps. I understand the waiting part is frustrating too. Just know that I understand. You'll have to stop by and read my blog sometime if you're ever bored lol.

    1. Hey thanks for the post, I know that alot of us can probably identify with this lol. Is your blog on blogspot? I'll have to look you up, you always write good stuff...perhaps that why you studied english haha ;)

  2. You're welcome, my dear! Yes, my blog is here on blogspot: wordnerdmusings.blogspot.com. I really need to update--I haven't written anything since early last month :P
