Monday, July 9, 2012

Reality bites!

I don't know if you're like me, but I have a vivid imagination. I can dream up people, places, scenarios, etc. that don't make sense to anyone but me lol. Maybe that's why I want to write a book someday, I don't know. Anyway, I've noticed that at times when reality seems bleak (such as trying to find a new job in this dismal market), I escape into my mind more often. Now, this may seem alarming to some of you psychological types, but I assure you I can distinguish between reality and fantasy lol. It's just that the world I imagine myself in is always 10 times better than my reality. God has called my attention to the fact that while imagination is good, it's not a good place to live. There was a point where I was too busy dreaming of what could be, and not enough time dealing with what is. I would get frustrated/depressed with my life because I was imagining myself in these outlandish scenarios that were unrealistic. Like being a rockstar, actress, world-saver, etc. I realize that what I was doing was a form of coping called "escapism." It's kind of like the mentality that says, "I reject your reality and create my own." Don't get me wrong, I think it's awesome to dream and create fantastical things, but I think that we should also keep our feet on the ground when our heads are in the clouds. If that line sounds familiar, yes, it's similar to a line from the song, "Brick by Boring Brick," by Paramore. In fact, it feels like they wrote that song about me lol. Well, I write all this to say that you should keep dreaming and imagining, but you shouldn't let it replace your life. After all, we are living in the here and now and not some fantasy land. So if the call of imagination because too hard to ignore, it's time to "bury the castle."  :)

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