Friday, February 17, 2017

New type of blog

I haven't blogged in a long time, and I thought it was time to dust off the keyboard to let everyone know what's going on in my head.  I also thought that blogging again would be helpful to my recovery from an eating disorder as well as depression and anxiety.  I am also hoping that my posts will be helpful to others suffering from similar issues or from a mental health disorder in general.  I aim is to be real and genuine without, hopefully, being triggering.  Sorry pro-ana or pro-mia people!  I am not pro eating disorder, so you won't be seeing any tips or thinspo here.  I am pro-recovery.  My goal is to share my triumphs, fears, and also my down days.  I also hope to inject some humor into the blogs as I know that recovery and dealing with the day-to-day issues from mental health disorders can be rough.  My goal is to blog daily, so keep a look out for a new post tomorrow!!  Remember, YOU ARE ENOUGH, YOU ARE LOVED, and YOU ARE WORTH FIGHTING FOR!!

Song for today: "You're Not Alone" by Lacey Sturm

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